midsummer night's dream

I barely caught that today was the longest day of the year. 
Time moves so quickly, sneaking past us under our very noses. 
I hope you celebrated the longer light with a love, laughter and your loved ones!
I spent it in rehearsal unfortunately, 
but was treated to the most incredible lightning storm 
over the Blue Ridge mountains on my way home.
It was a moment of time which could not be captured visually.
It made me so thankful for my ability to see, 
and to experience something so visually stunning and captivating

Someday, when I grow up, 
I would love to host yearly solstice parties with different food themes 
like tappas, smoothies, fondue, wine tasting, exotic fruits, gelatos, crepes etc.
Wanna get on my invite list?


image via {google}


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