traveling because it is wonderful

Today is my last day in Old Europe,
and I feel so conflicted---
excited to go home to my full time love and full-time best friend, and so grateful for the time away and the many impressions.

This expresses it best, and exactly how I felt about my trip across the American West 2 years ago:

I feel very lucky to have had the time and resources to take this trip. It definitely took me out of my comfort zone in both good ways and bad — the journey definitely wasn’t all sunshine and lollipops, despite what my photos might indicate. To many of us, it seems like a perilous time in our nation’s history, with many debts, old and new, coming due in rapid-fire succession. Doing this roadtrip reminded me of many great things about this country & the people who live in it and gave me the time & space to ponder how I fit into the puzzle, without the din of the news and social media. If you can manage it, I encourage you all to do the same, even if it’s just visiting someplace close that you’ve never been to: get out there and see the world and visit with its people. This world is all we have, and the more we see of it, the better we can make it.

via {kottke}


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