kid funnies

This made me melt over and over again.

"Kids really do say the darndest things.

If you hang around them enough, they'll have you talkin' wacky, too.

Lifelong artist Martin Bruckner realized this strange phenomenon a few years ago when his daughter, Harper, age 2 at the time, was having a field day with her dinner. His wife barely looked up from her plate as she said, plain as day, "Please don't put spaghetti between your toes."

Later that night, as Bruckner got Harper ready for a bath, he casually inquired, "Did you just drop your cheese in the tub again?"

"I thought, 'This is it,'" he says. "'This is my life now.'"

But it wasn't a moment of deep depression. It was pure joy, and he wanted to find a way to capture as many of these fleeting moments as he could.

Bruckner began illustrating his daughter's best, sweetest, and most hilarious moments."

via {upworthy}


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