35-80 hours

Since spring has finally sprung in my neck of the woods,
I have been obsessed with all shapes and scents remotely floral.
These giant paper flowers by Tiffany Turner have caught my fancy in a huge way,
and made me wonder what I accomplish on things that take 35-80 hours in my craft.

Through HEADS, Tiffanie explores the organized chaos and rhythms of nature — and in some ways it explores (and may bring a sense of order) to the “chaos” of her own life. Each flower, made from crepe paper, takes her 35 to 80 hours to make — a true feat of strength and perseverance for Tiffanie, who lives & works in a small apartment in San Francisco with her husband and two kids, who are 4 and 8 years old.
Click here to read the SF Chronicle article about her work and to see photos of the process.

via {today is going to be awesome}


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