the gifts in adversity

I am so very, very grateful for my family
despite the vast stretches of land in between us.
My little brother,
who feels at home peregrinating on the outskirts,
has just gotten in touch
in the most honest, touching way,
the sweetest mix of humor and genuineness.
I am so proud of him for struggling,
figuring out who he is.

I wrote back laughing amidst tears in my eyes,
so very grateful that my siblings are
the most headstrong and real sunbursts of color
I know.
Everyone else just pales in comparison.

Maman and Dad, I know we are nuts and such a burden sometimes,
but I wouldn't have it any other way.
What a gift in learning how to love more truthfully.


photo via {tattly}
quote via {today is going to be awesome}


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