the beauty of deadlines

And this is exactly why auditions are important to me, as painful as they are.
One professor likened them to sticking your head in a meat grinder for 3 minutes,
necessitating a metal helmet to protect one's own wits.
One step at a time, one audition at a time, one day at a time in preparation...

"I have a routine when I have deadlines. A deadline is a beautiful thing. It puts me into a framework. I do like ritual and repetition. … It’s always reassuring. Waking up, having a cup of coffee, and meeting a friend to walk in Central Park for an hour in the morning. Which is an incredible way to start the day. I used to read the obits before I left the house. … I see it as a very emotional kind of epic way to start the day. It puts things in perspective right away."
In this interview, the wise and wonderful Maira Kalman adds to the daily rituals and routines of beloved creators.

via {exp.lore} and {swissmiss}


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