treat yo'self

I have looked forward to this day for a while now.
To me this involves leisurely brunch, crossword puzzles, and naps in the sun.

Whether you love to love, love to hate, have someone to love, or love yourself, make it a day to do everything with love. Or in the immortal words of Tom Haverford, treat yo' self.

Here are five ways to treat yo' self:
1) Buy yourself flowers.
2) Spend a guilt-free hour pinning/internet browsing.
3) Make yourself a multi-course dinner at home
4) Dance party. 
5) Craft yourself a present.

Five ways to spread the love:
1) Tip your barista extra today.
2) Hold the door open.
3) Let someone pass you in the lane.
4) Write an unexpected thank you.
5) Write a letter to an old friend.

Sending you lots of love today. The good kind. The Sunday kind.

via {annplified}
photo via  {pinterest}


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