qualities of successful people

I absolutely loved this list!
I want to work on appreciating what I have, universal respect, resolving conflicts directly,
and most of all: respectfully pushing back.
I think every single one of these point is applicable for a musician!

emerson made

In this blog post, Greg Hoy lists qualities you are most likely to find in people who achieve the most success. Listed in no particular order:
    - They are humble. Their success doesn’t consume them.
    - They are on time. On time for work, on time for meetings, on time for the train. They hate wasting their own time, and as a      
    byproduct, anyone else’s.

    - They always appreciate what they have. And as a result, they usually get more.
    - They are universally respectful—to their friends, their boss, or to the person that makes their sandwich for lunch.
    - They don’t let work consume them.
    - They make sacrifices for the benefit of others.
    - They are patient.
    - They put in the extra effort when it’s needed, without any strings attached.
    -They resolve issues or conflicts directly.
    - They respectfully push back. It’s easy to push back. To do so with respect takes skill.
    - They trust their colleagues.

Read Greg’s full post: Good work isn’t enough.
via {swissmiss}
photo of Emerson Made, one of my fav independent and successful clothing designers via {pinterest}


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