bucket list

I just heard about the prevalence of pre-30 bucket lists in Blogtopia
on an NPR podcast of my ever-fav, Radiolab.
I already had started mine long ago,
but none of those were to do by any specific time.

It did, however, make me think about where I would like to be in the next 12 months.
An unrelated podcast talked about the American obsession with goals,
and how saying goals out loud helps us stick with our self-improvement projects.
So, thank you, dear readers, for sharing with me.
As you all know, I need all the help I can get.

A few of the things I would like to work towards as I skip and frolic my way ahead
towards such a silly milestone:

more compassion
more graciousness
more elegance
more spirit
more love


photo via {found} and {pinterest}


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