just why I love my favorite mothers in the world...

photo by Petra Bindel via http://www.agentbauer.com/

Maman, you are the most wonderful mother in the world,
such an incredible example to all 3 of us,
the essence of love, generosity, and care.

Gabes every single time I see you, without fail,
I am so amazed and so inspired by your approach to my absolute favorite kids.
They are so wonderful in so many, many ways,
a true manifestation of your conscientious love and élan as a mother and person.

Both of you are such a stunning testament to Oma,
to who she is and what she lives for.
I am so grateful to this cadre of women as my role models and my best friends.

I hope I can handle the chaos of a family with as much grace, creativity and pure grit,
the elegance that comes from your sense of purpose, pleasure and simplicity.
I love you both so very, very much.


White peony
diagram via {everyday venn}
photos via {


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