Gypsy kings

Oh how sexy, how full of exotic, sunny days in a faraway land!
Gypsy Kings, you have my heart!
p.s. I especially love the trampoline flip
and the gorgeous, Frida doppelgaenger dancer at the end.


Pienso que un sueño parecido no volverá más
(I think that a similar dream will never return)
Y me pintaba las manos y la cara de azul
(and I was painting of blue my hands and my face)
Y de improviso el viento rapido me llevó
(and suddenly the speedy wind lifted me up)
Y me hizo a volar en el cielo infinito
(and made me fly in the infinite sky)

rest of the lyrics after the jump


photo via {pinterest}

 Volare, oh oh, cantare, oh oh oh oh
(to fly oh oh to sing oh oh oh oh
Nel blu dipinto di blu, felice di stare lassù (that's Italian...)
(In the blue painted of blue, glad to stay on there.)

Y volando, volando feliz
(and by flying,by happily flying)
Yo me encuentro más alto, más alto que el sol
(I find myself higher, higher than the sun)
Y mienstras que el mundo se aleja despacio de mi
(and while the world moves far away from me)
Una musica dulce se ha tocada solo para mi
(a sweet music it's played only for me)


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