Ah, summer...

This summer has such a different feel to it for me. 
So many new impressions,
new places and people, 
which give me the opportunity to practice compassion,
to learn self-acceptance and humility, to live honestly and with integrity,
to discover the simplicity of graciousness and non-judgement,
and to take more joy in my own interests
rather than feeling the need to fit in. 

Here are some to share with you:

Michael Pollan's writing house,
as I reconsider my eating habits--
living with a vegan sure makes you think twice

summer peaches from the orchard down the street:

being ok with sitting quietly by myself
as I cool off by sticking my feet in the local pool

writing messages on my dusty dashboard 
because I cannot help but drive with the windows down, rain or shine

accidentally becoming a morning person 
because the early sun at the top of the mountain
is so delicious and utterly unavoidable

luscious, sweet watermelon on a daily basis

working as hard as I can to contribute to the larger group,
reveling in these beautiful melodies and harmonies,
basking in the soaring vocal lines.
Puccini, I will play your operas any day, anytime, anywhere.

learning to make new friends,
while accepting that they may just be temporary,
and enjoying time spent over shared interests 
such as yoga, tv shows, nightly herbal tea, nature walks,
active lifestyles, books and reading,
accepting their particular personality quirks
which would normally aggravate me terribly

taking joy in something as simply beautiful
as the sun shining through the roadside wildflowers,
while sending good thoughts on a daily basis
towards the world's most amazing, wholesome grandmother,
because I think of her every single time these flowers
make me smile

scenic vistas over the Shenandoah valley from the famous Skyline Drive

feasting my eyes on the blue hues and color gradation 
of the famous Blue Ridge Mountains of the Appalachians

being surrounded by well-dressed, suave European men
without feeling the need to pursue anything

smelling the air and relishing the crepuscular sky after a rainstorm

taking time for breakfast on the patio on our mornings off
 overlooking the valley from our little vacation cottage
with real coffee no less

photos via my iphone and jen causey's {pinterest}


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