dreams of Italia

I dreamed I was in Italy a few nights ago,
and then heard Beethoven 6 on the radio on the way home tonight. 

Angi, thank you for rooting that convergence of memories in real life. 
That was truly the trip of a lifetime! 

I love thinking about it...
Postcard writing and Nanini gelato on the piazza in Sienna
(I think we had it twice in one day not to mention the other days)

Those super long lines to get into the Uffizi, taking turns keeping our place,



and such incredible, breathtaking painting
despite wave after wave of
fanny packs, sun hats, knipps verrueckte, techno-crati tourists...


Ivy and flower covered houses, wonderful history and allergies in Vinci

my first introduction to pasta frutti di mare
and eating mussels
(my Kansas colors show!)
outside on a patio on a train stop.


Eating cherries at the base of David in the sunset, 
eventhough you don't like cherries, 
looking down in that beautiful golden light, 
drinking in and savoring each moment that last day
until the next time.


Just to be finished by a wonderful evening of the Pastoral symphony
with a quiet rainstorm and a beautiful rainbow, 
(or did I make that up?)
Oma Salat, Schwarzbrot and Johannisbeer saft.
Such a perfect homecoming.

Rainbow over Case Inlet-Horz.jpg

And for my dream tonight you ask...
Como? Cinque Terre?
And in case you ever need a reason
for a maigraine-relieving, sunny Italian vacation,
I'd be all in...
in a heartbeat!

Mille mille grazie!

images via google and {pinterest}


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