I read the following from a talk given by Fred Wilson at the Harvard Business School
about venture capitalism and entrepreneurs,
something I am only interested in because I like the spelling of the word.
I liked the larger ideas beyond the business jargon:
Fail gracefully
Build something great
Have a huge passion for it.

- If you are going to fail, and certainly with more start-ups being created and seeded we will see more failure, be sure to fail gracefully. How you handle yourself as you unwind / seek a soft landing will reflect heavily on you and will cement your reputation.
- Don't worry about whether you are building a feature, a product or a company. Build something great, have huge passion for it, engender affection with a large customer base, and let the rest follow.
- If you get traction, transform your company into a platform. The most valuable companies are those where third parties help you grow by plugging into your services like a utility.
Ideas from Fred Wilson of Union Square Ventures via {seeing both sides}
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