What would you write...

...if it was totally public but anonymous?

I discovered the following art installation in Toronto 
through on of my new favorite daily reads, 
{daily dose of imagery}

I love the concept!


Michael Fernandes - East Dover, Canada
Prompters, audience, chalk writing on large blackboards

Scotia Plaza, 40 King Street West
(North Forecourt, enter from Adelaide Street West)


Arrivals Departures - Michael Fernandes
What are you up to? Who are you? What do you miss? What do you want? What did you do? What will you be? What are your plans? What are you missing? What has happened? Where have you been? Where are you heading? A few of the possible set of questions that prompters will ask you. Then, your responses are transcribed onto large blackboards. The aim of this participatory project is to solicit and register a broad sense of 'travel'. With continuous prying, the prompters encourage responses that are based on life experience, interpersonal relationships as well as the specifics of being 'here’ and 'there’. Nothing will be censored. Nothing will be repeated. All misspellings, colloquialisms, slangs, languages will be included. Expressions of mobility in its myriad forms are compiled on the blackboards as they fill up—transitions, transformations, hopes, desires, exiles, reflections and realizations. The significant to and fros of a lifetime are intermixed with musings on the immediate coming and goings of your Nuit Blanche itinerary. The blackboards present the compiled statements on how each of us perceive his or her time and place. The writing on the large boards creates a composition made of a multitude of voices, a poignant reflection of the city in all of its complexity.

Based in Halifax, Michael Fernandes was born in Trinidad. An instructor at the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design University. Fernandes' art practice includes mixed media, installation, video, text-based, performance, as well as audio book works and more ephemeral media. By means of humour and low-tech methods, his current work often takes place in the public arena exploring the fine line between art and everyday living. His work has been exhibited extensively since 1964.
Arrivals Departures - Michael Fernandes


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